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JOB OFFER – Program Quality and Community Engagement Officer

Job Description: Program Quality and Community Engagement Officer
Organization: Romanian Red Cross (RRC)
Location: Bucharest, Romania Job Type: Full-time

Position Summary
The Romanian Red Cross (RRC) is seeking a motivated and dedicated professional for the position of Program Quality and Community Engagement Officer. The position is responsible for supporting the Romanian Red Cross (RRC) in institutionalizing and mainstreaming community engagement and accountability (CEA) and protection, gender and inclusion (PGI) across the organization.

PGI and CEA are essential to the Romanian Red Cross’s work because they help to ensure that all people are safe, respected, and able to participate in and benefit from its humanitarian assistance and recovery, regardless of their background or circumstances. This position will work closely with RRC staff and volunteers at all levels to develop and implement thematic plans and approaches, providing training and capacity building, and developing and rolling-out resources and tools. The Officer will also work to monitor and evaluate the RRC’s progress and to identify and address any gaps or challenges. It will also be responsible for promoting that the RRC’s practices are in line with international best practices.

Please submit your resume and a cover letter describing your motivation and relevant experience to hr@crucearosie.ro . The deadline for applications is 01.03.2024. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further steps in the recruitment process.


Details: https://crucearosie.ro/centru-de-resurse/cariere

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